I've recently noticed that everybody I draw.... are the same person. Every feature is the same! Every arm, every leg, every eye, nose, mouth... So I decided to fix this.
I have drawn the three most basic groups of people - women, men, and children - to try and figure out where things have gone wrong and strengthen my weaker points.
With each practice page I have started out with face shapes. Faces are what I draw first, and what I'm best at! I have always found women easiest draw, but making their bodies look different from one another is way too challenging. I definitely need work on petite frames.

....Needs some work. Again, faces are easiest to draw, but the bodies! The problem is, they are way too simple. The more detailed something is, or the more shape there is, the easier I can grasp something and work with it on paper. Men will be a challenge.
Children I found to be the easiest. I usually never draw children, so this came as a wonderful surprise. Ahh, the 90's... dead birds and curly shoelaces.
In the end, I figured out what I needed work on:
- Legs. When standing still, legs are very hard to draw in a natural-looking position, and the thighs:calves ratio I've always had trouble with.
- Torsos for men.
- Petite frames for women, plus women with healthy body weights. I have become used to drawing them as toothpicks. I sure as hell am not rail-thin, but I am not obese either. How can I find the balance there to make a realistic girl rather than what people seem to want to be?